Saturday, November 9, 2024

The Israeli Air Force could favor new F15 SEs to new F35

According to a report by the General Staff of the Israeli Air Force, the IAF, could  give priority to ordering new F-15 Strike Eagle aircraft, two-seater attack version of the F-15, to new F-35s. According to this report, the F-35 is performing satisfactorily in its assigned missions, but the IAF believes it needs more to maintain the significant bombardment and attack capability provided by the F15 SE, capable of carry 3 times more weaponry than an F35. 

This announcement somewhat undermines the idea of ​​a versatile F35, with the IAF visibly preferring to use it for specific missions, such as target designation, or the suppression of enemy anti-aircraft defenses. However, in the report, the IAF's constrained budgets are repeatedly mentioned. We therefore understand that the purchasing and operating costs of the F35 constitute a barrier to its acquisition in larger numbers by the IAF, which continues to consider that a significant air force is essential to maintain a sustained war effort. . In other words, it is very unlikely that the IAF will subscribe to the “all F-35” doctrine that the US Air Force (and Lockheed) wishes to impose, particularly on Western air forces.


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