Saturday, December 7, 2024

The US Army develops a revolutionary new quantum multispectral antenna

The applications of quantum mechanics are just beginning to appear that already, in the defense world, they open up paths likely to profoundly modify military technology in the decades to come. We have already written about information processing capabilities offered by quantum computers, as well as advanced detection capabilities of quantum radars. But the technology currently in development within the Army Research Laboratory dependent on the US Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, could have very concrete applications in the short term as regards intelligence and electronic warfare, but also of communication, in the forces.

Indeed, Professor David Meyer's teams have developed a quantum antenna, capable of detecting electromagnetic emissions over an astonishing frequency range, namely from KiloHertz to TeraHertz, a billion times faster. To do this, the US Army Research Laboratory uses the atomic peculiarities of Rydberg atoms, atoms whose atomic radius is much higher (on the order of 100 to 10.000 times) than traditional atoms, giving them quantum capacities. very interesting, especially for measuring electromagnetic fields.

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The use of the laser makes it possible to transform a normal atom into a Rydberg atom, so as to increase its sensitivity to the electromagnetic field.

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