The hearings of the Chiefs of Staff of the French armies by the committees of the National Assembly and the Senate are often the occasion to glean certain informations on the programs in progress. But when the hearing of the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, General François Lecointre, by the defense commission of the National Assembly, within the framework of the 2021 Finance Bill, it was above all the concerns of several deputies, coming from different political factions, that marked this session. In fact, 4 of the 13 deputies present asked the French Chief of Staff questions relating to the format of the armies within the current evolving geostrategic framework.
Thus, the deputy of Ain Charles de La Verpillière, belonging to the Les Républicains group, Jean-Charles Larsonneur, deputy of Finistère of the Agir Ensemble group, Christophe Lejeune, deputy of Haute-Saône of the République en Marche group, and Philippe Michel- Kleisbauer, Modem deputy of the Var, all questioned the CEMA on various subjects relating to the current format of the armed forces, the means at their disposal to face the rapidly evolving threats in the world, and on the relevance of the Military Programming Law or LPM, but also of the Strategic Review 2017 and the White Paper of 2013, which today frame the format of the French armies.
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