In the field of space warfare, two schools clash at the Pentagon: those in favor of absolute confidentiality concerning the majority of the programs, so as to leave the potential adversary (China or Russia) in ignorance of the existing capacities and programs under development, and those who consider that declassification of part of this information is essential to strengthen the deterrent effect vis-à-vis a potentially overconfident adversary. So far, secrecy advocates had the advantage, and a severe blackout had for many years covered the actual space capabilities of the US armies, and its new Space Force component, both offensive and defensive. But the consequences of the collapse of the Afghan authorities on the military authority of the United States in the world, even vis-à-vis some of its close allies and its own public opinion, could well cause Washington to change posture. .
Indeed, according to the site, always particularly aware of the US defense news, the United States could well, in the near future, demonstrate an advanced anti-satellite capability and hitherto unknown. Developed under the aegis of the Special Access Program, and in fact known to a very limited number of political and military personalities, this program would indeed make it possible to destroy or damage a satellite or a spacecraft, without more details. were donated, except that the technology would be entirely new. There is much speculation as to the nature of this system, ranging from a high-energy laser intended to blind the detection systems of an opposing satellite, to a satellite capable of sending microwave discharges against an opposing satellite. to destroy its electronic systems. But none of these speculations are particularly well founded, and the range of possibilities therefore remains particularly wide. In addition, to be meaningful from the point of view of the desired communication effect, this technological demonstration must be sufficiently one-sided so as not to simply position itself at the equivalent of existing Russian or Chinese systems.
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