Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Drones vs jamming: Chinese engineers are moving fast

While in the Drones vs Jamming competition, the second seems to be taking the lead in Ukraine, Chinese researchers are announcing notable advances in the field of artificial intelligence that could significantly change this balance of power.

While drones have undeniably demonstrated their effectiveness in Ukraine, so have the jamming systems designed to counter them. The fact is, according to the Ukrainian forces, these lose more than 10 drones of all types each month, mostly by Russian jamming systems.

Indeed, by depriving the drone of its GPS location information, and/or of the connection with the operator who directs it, the latter is no longer able to continue its mission, and ends up, most often, by sink to the ground.

It is to meet this challenge that the Chinese engineers have designed an artificial intelligence capable of controlling the drone and executing the mission even in the absence of a GPS signal. It would even be able to detect, identify, pursue and, if necessary, engage and destroy its own targets, even if human authorization is then required.

Drones vs jamming: advantage to Chinese drones

This is essentially what emerges from an article published in July in the scientific journal Engeenering. According to this article, Chinese engineers have made some significant breakthroughs in video signal processing, allowing the drone not only to calculate its own position, but also to calculate the position and speed of a possible target.

In the drone vs. jamming war, jamming is gaining the upper hand in Ukraine, at least where it is present.
In the drone vs. jamming war, jamming is gaining the upper hand in Ukraine, at least where it is present.

In fact, a drone equipped with this technology would be able to carry out missions in an environment denied GPS signals (Baidu in China). It would therefore be insensitive to the jamming technologies currently being developed to respond to this threat, even if liaison with the operator seems, for the time being, still required, at least to obtain the firing order.

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