Aircraft carriers, anti-missile systems, combat aircraft: Seoul reveals its ambitions for the coming decade

Unlike the Europeans, South Korea has never neglected its investments in Defense, including during the period following the collapse of the Soviet bloc and which was characterized by a rapprochement between the West and China. It must be said that with a neighbor like North Korea accused of developing a military nuclear program in 1989, Seoul, also within reach of the North Korean artillery, has never really experienced a period of appeasement, to take advantage “Peace benefits” dear to European leaders in the 90s and 2000s. And in fact, South Korea today has a first-rate, well-equipped, and well-trained armed force that we can easily integrate into the 10 most powerful world armed forces in 2020.

In fact, the publication of the Defense investment plan by Seoul is a highly observed event in the Asia-Pacific region, and this year, observers will not have been disappointed by the ambitions of the Korean authorities. Indeed, the country plans to invest by less than 70 billion dollars, 100 trillion won, to design and put into service new combat systems. This hitherto unprecedented effort will propel the country's military and industrial capabilities to a whole new level than its current level, in many areas exceeding the European armies by 2030. Here are the main programs announced or confirmed by the South Korean authorities:

30.000 ton light aircraft carrier

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