The Royal Air Force abandons its Mosquito combat drone

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In recent years, the British armies have been particularly prolific in terms of new Defense programs, under the impetus of the political axis chosen by 10 Downing Street for 3 years and the announcement of a significant increase in resources available to La Défense in the years to come. However, it is clear that, very often, these announcements are short-lived, and that beyond the initial announcements and promises, many of these programs do not come to an end. This is once again the case today, with the announcement by the Royal Air Force of the abandonment of the LANCA program, for Lightweigth Affordable Novel Combat Aircraft, and its Mosquito drone. Indeed, the Royal Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office (RCO), in charge of this program, announced on June 24 that this would not go beyond the initial study stage, while specifying that its abandonment would not undermine the commitment of the Royal Air Force to acquire the best "mix" of capabilities at the best price, and that it will indeed acquire a Loyal Wingmen type capability in coming years.

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